
作品分类:全部文章 2020-07-29



你以为你在听,其实你没听,你在发呆。白噪音,被我们屏蔽掉了衡阳舞曲网 。但只要你突然意识到痞仙,你会突然觉得啊,原来那是ta的声音啊!
你以为你只是在听美剧,其实你已经脑补了十万画面。你以为你在看美剧的英文字幕,其实你通过每个人的动作猜测他们的交流。我们本来就有那么多感官,本来也就是要合作的嘛阴庙 。有时候合作的效果还更好。那问题来了,如何合作最有效叶集教育网 ?此文要讲的就是听和写的结合中国盐都网,要求很简单,想象力。

声音有时候更能长久的就在我们的记忆里,甚至能承载比文字更多的东西。流芳百世的音乐之所以能经久不衰,波力斯卡 一方面是其技巧的精湛,更是它不断能唤起听众不同的情绪,每听每新。有时,当我们偶尔听到一首曲子带子洪郎 ,突然会有是曾相识的感觉,有时又会觉得声音是左耳进右耳出,并没有留下什么印象。
今天就来尝试一下听音乐写音乐。给大家准备的是一首经典的曲目“My name is Lincoln”(来自电影The Island)。这一次,换一种方式来听,就这一次医师传 ,把这一首曲子听完。就这一次,答应我。听完可以直接写,也可以再伴着音乐写作,欢迎在下方留言写下你的感受。

Something is coming. It is lurkingit is there. It is hesitant,and so am I!I feel suddenly afraid of his coming where am I?What I want to do and what Iam going to do.But i know Iam expecting it.It is approaching;the feeling is growing stronger and stronger within me,I feel ripple in my heart.Somethingis changing and I knowit is happening.At the velocity of light多想有你在身边, the joy comes at me;my heart suddenly is rifle with happiness.Iam exuberant.I feel happiness awakened in me.It is true happinessnot relying on anyone刘何娜 ,anythinganymore.I can't help laughing.I can't help smiling.For the first time,I can laugh out loud,not afraid of being laughed at or reprehended.It is the freedom that I feel.I am at the top of the world.I want to jump,I want to shout.I want to hug everyone I meet.Everything seems so perfect to me.
They are at the right time烽火三国,and so am I.It is like the universe is helping me. The world is not a stranger to me, even though I can't recall their names, I know them. I was once part of them. I am part of them. It makes me connected. Powerful金·凯瑞 , IfeelI could do anything. I could be anyone, I am myself. Nothing will stop me. Here I am; what I want to be. The trouble, struggleand voidwere gone and they are becoming part of me I am my soul and I am better than I was; vaporouswarmth embraces me. The hope and confidenceburgeonfrom the bottom of my heart, I am almost omnipotent. Everything is helping me, the world is around me. The sun is shining and I am not alone, as though I am alone, but I am not lonely. Ihave a vagary - I am connected with my surroundings, not afraid of what the future stores for me. For the first time in my life I am expecting tomorrow.
I see the joy precipitatingin me. My heart is bouncing. I want to share with this instant with anyone.Human looks friendly to me now; they were so hideousbefore. Looking up in the sky,the Milky Way is though out of reach, they are protectingme from above. The veracity of being free is so overwhelming that it changes my perspectiveof life.
